Quick drawing made weeks ago. I Intended to make an abstract drawing, but ended up making something that resembles a view of a landscape. Abstract itself, I don’t know the meaning, there is a lot of confusion between abstract and non-objective. Whatever it is, all tried to do was randomly play with colors in photoshop and let the imagination run riot.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wide awake and frozen
I've heard stories about sleep paralysis long ago. 'Ghost' appearance is a common thing during the paralysis and there's a scientific explanation about it. However I was still really curious about the phenomena. I wondered how people feel during sleep paralysis. Few years later... or a few days ago, my curiosity was solved. It's not like I was wishing to experience sleep paralysis. I never knew what was coming. I was watching T.V. while lying on my bed at night. I didn't intend to sleep, but without realizing, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I suddenly saw shadows. I looked at the shadows and they transformed to ghostly looks. Their scary faces approached me until they're right in front of my face. I was in confusion and panic. I don't know whether it was a dream or not, I think I was hallucinating . The environment slowly turning into my own room and I could see ghosts, I tried to kick them but then I realized I couldn't move. The paralysis lasted about 10 seconds. I finally sat down, turned on the lights and felt relieved. From that point I understood that anyone who's struggled through an episode of being wide awake and frozen knows it's not a pretty thing.
Monday, October 12, 2009
have a nice dream
Friday 9 October was supposed to be a good day. If all went right, I would come to a party and leave for Bandung that night so I would enjoy the weekend there. But, let the past be the past. Sunday is almost over, I should close my eyes, concentrate my mind and pray to God..Sleep well and hope I'll have a nice dream..
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
emptiness, darkness, that came before dreams
Hello Darkness, it was always late at night, when everything and everyone else was quiet, that those voices would rise like ghosts, soft and haunting, filling your mind until sleep finally came.. In restless dream I walked alone in the narrow streets of cobblestone, Neath the halo of a street lamp. laughter, festivities have ended and I was on my way home. This dream, it’s not just a dream. It is a memory..
Monday, August 31, 2009
Back to the yellow campus
Vacation’s over. I’m gonna see a lot of yellow for the next few months.. because I’m back to the yellow campus. There are 2 main campuses, one is in Jakarta and another in Depok, which is where I study. Overall, Depok City can be called as 'youth district', since the importance of the number of students. Students also enjoy green and fresh-air provided by more than 250 hectares of forest inside UI's campus in Depok.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Enjoy the rest of your summer
It is hard for me to believe that I have only 3 days left in My beloved hometown. I planned to keep playing tennis and badminton everyday until my last day in Balikpapan. But who knows.. Yesterday, I ended up hurting my right arm muscle during a game. Now, It is either I play PC games with friends or watch them play badminton..
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Those Marathon Runners…
I’m always amazed at the range of people who cross the finish line at any marathon. But becoming like them, I don’t want that. 40 km is just too much, it’s a torture, I’m sure my body can’t handle it, If you ever have to go that far isn’t that why we invented cars? a 6 km of running is enough.
Monday, August 3, 2009
End of July
Last day of July, Friday the 31st that is. I participated in Minima urban artworks 2.0 which took place in Balikpapan Trade Center. I only knew about the exhibition 3 days before the actual event. So I quickly made this drawing and submitted to the committee. Besides this one, there’s another artwork that I submitted, an old drawing and was already shown in a previous post.
Journey into my mind, the further I have pursued my voyage the more distant they have become. In my mind, I travel toward the unknown.. don’t know where I will be heading. The imagination, I think I need to paint it out. – 08/03/09
Thursday, July 30, 2009
07/30/2009 - Sur la plage
Excitement was in the air. The realm of vacation is, by far, the most enchanting.. There was that time we’d stopped at a local beach. That place, is definitely one of my favorite. There is a food court where you can find many kinds of food. Inside, the porch, and outside.. we chose the outside part of the food court. Good place must have good food, but I didn’t eat anything there.. I was out the whole day since morning, ate chicken porridge for breakfast, 2 burgers for lunch , and in the afternoon (around 4-5 pm) we went to the beach and I was already full. The man behind the photography is Suma. Check out his deviantart.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Stranger in old school
I took the car and I was off again. Destination: my old school. I felt strange as soon as I arrived, because everybody there were wearing uniform and I wasn’t. I was there to meet my ex-schoolmates, I walked across the sea of high school students, looking for familiar faces, but found none. At that point I felt like I was a total stranger and that was uncomfortable, seconds were pretty much like minutes. But then, I heard someone among the crowds calling my name, I took a look and yeah, I recognized him and that gave me less pressure. He’s a friend who’s 3 years younger than me. A very talented musician, we once played as guitar duo in an acoustic event. So I waved to him and continued my way to school canteen, where the alumni were meeting.
Monday, July 20, 2009
7/20/2009 “Summer Days”
I am too lazy to actually draw since my arrival to my hometown, Balikpapan. I had plan to make a short comic, but it never happened, Probably because of the activities I have here. It’s not like I’m really busy and have more important things to do, but I have other fun things to do. What’s the best part about lazy ‘summer days’? hmm, eating some good food, spending time with friends and family, going to beach, nice weather, jogging in the morning or in the afternoon, going to gym, playing games, watching TV, and I re-visited my old teachers in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. We had long conversation, I’m glad they still remember me. And these pictures of me and my friends were taken in a restaurant called solaria, located in Balikpapan Trade Center.Thanks to Irha for bringing Nikon D90!
Monday, June 29, 2009
6/29/2009 (it’s about Paprika)
9:13 PM - The flight from Jakarta to Balikpapan took about 2 hours and I’m now home, sitting on my couch, watching paprika on HBO signature. In case you didn’t know, Paprika is a Japanese animated science fiction film. Paprika comes with a psychological theme about dreams. I’ve watched this movie before, and now I’m watching it again. The graphics = two thumbs up! But the bad thing about this movie: it’s repetitive, it has incomprehensible storyline and lackluster characters. Focus and concentration on the film is needed if you want to follow the flow of the story. Well, this animation surely motivates me to draw and learn more!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What do you remember fondly about your childhood? Do you remember important moments of your life? Do they make you smile? remembering your past is important, whether it is good or bad, because the power they have over us is incredible. Always look back to derive useful lessons from the past and always regard it as a learning experience.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Pablo Picasso once said that painting is just another way of keeping a diary.. is it? Well I know I’m not a real painter, I simply love to draw.. with the development in technology I started to draw things digitally.. It’s quite a new thing for me.. I remember when I was in junior high school I drew things on paper and sometimes kept my drawings in a folder. Then, in high school I painted “sorrow” on a piece of paper and at that time, I didn’t have any intention to paint until I saw some painting tools on my little brother’s desk.. Then I quickly thought.. Let’s try them out! it was quite fun, even though I titled the painting "sorrow". Then I made another one which I called“village frontier”. Another way of keeping a diary? not sure. As far as I know diary is a daily written record of usually personal experiences and observations. Until now I don’t remember making any drawings about my personal experiences (I will probably do it one day), I think of it simply as hobby, I draw based on my own imagination and it's not like when I'm sad I draw something that depicts my sadness. I'm really confused...I shouldn’t have thought about this stuff from the beginning, what a waste of time. By the way, I think it’s time to say goodbye to pencil and paper (which is a good thing, because I don't wanna waste trees only for my nonsense drawings) and say hi to pen tablet and adobe photoshop (or any other drawing softwares out there..).
Monday, June 15, 2009
Let the flames begin
I’ve been through the final exams, and I found them quite hard. I had 4 subjects for this semester: fundamentals of fluid mechanics, mechanical design, kinematics and dynamics, and manufacturing process. I prayed to God for success, but unfortunately I have failed one subject this semester, Kinematics and dynamics that is. Not only me, but also my friends.. we all have failed that subject. I was so down, but I believed that God wants me to do better next time. I don’t want to disappoint anybody anymore, especially my parents. I have to do better next time, Insya Allah. Well, I must not go down… As I mentioned in the previous post, I probably gonna spend some of my time drawing during this vacation and this is the first one so far... Like Hayley said : Let the flames begin!
Friday, June 5, 2009
I am thinking what I love to do and what I usually enjoy doing.. taking pictures used to be one of my interests, but since my pocket camera’s LCD screen cracked, I’m more focused on drawing and painting. I think it would be a good idea to develop skill in area that is my forte. Practice is a must and I noticed this interest isn’t temporary. The next thing that is important is sharing my works with others, I must know what people think about them, and advices are what I need. By the way, vacation has come and I have plenty of time doing what I enjoy doing.. Oh yeah, I really need my camera fixed!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Who are coming to Indonesia?
Phoenix Live In Jakarta – Hockey Ring, Jakarta (August 01)
Mae Live in concert - Sabuga Convention Hall, Bandung (June 26)
Mew - The Venue Eldorado, Bandung (August 04)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mang Engking
Mang Engking ni tempat makan paling top di daerah depok! (menurut gw) lokasinya didalem UI lagi, jd bagi mahasiswa yang ngekos ato tinggal di asrama ga perlu repot keluar kalangan UI yang serba macet dan polusi (udara ama suara). Tempatnya mantep banget, bisa lesehan di saung dan suasananya mirip pedesaan.
Gw ma temen2 sering makan disini, dan biasanya gw ga bayar.. soalnya kalo makan disini pasti waktu ultah temen gw.... seakan- akan mang engking ni jadi tempat yang wajib untuk dikunjungi kalo ada yg ultah. Tapi hari ini beda.. soalnya giliran gw yg neraktir temen2 gw, hhe.
Menu2 yang mantap menurut gw: udang bakar madu ama gurame! dan ini emang banyak digemari orang- orang..
oh iya, hari ini gw ga moto apa- apa di mang engking, jadi gw ngambil foto dr tempat orang aj,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
relaxed and leisurely
I’m keeping the pace without hurry or haste.. the time will come by itself and it did. The anniversary of one’s birth has come and I wish myself all the best.. happy birthday to me..
and by the way this is my work I made just 3 hours before my birthday.. the "person" in the drawing is a girl, so it’s not me. This person (if really is a person) doesn’t represent me either.. and she is nobody.. just felt like to draw something like this..and I'm quite happy with the result. So.. that's it, I think I'm out of words.. I hope you all have a great day!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Art and engineering
I’m having a little pause from all these engineering drawings right now. Engineering drawing is all about formality and precise way of communicating information about the shape, size, features, and precision of physical objects. In fact drawing itself is the universal language of engineering. So.. this is the drawing I’m currently making.. still need few more hours to finish I think.
This is actually a drawing of a microphone stand that me and my friends made in the manufacturing lab..
and these are me and Hannibal doing some welding. Welding itself is a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals. The flame is dazzling, that’s why you have to wear the mask. Here is the video of our activity.
There you go! the mini microphone stand is ready. By the way, the guy holding that mic stand is my friend, Hannibal Nasserie. He’s not only a student, he’s also a musician. He plays guitar in the band called idealego. He’s gonna have a concert in the Netherlands this month! But before going there, he (and all other students) have to face the final exams first ! Wish us luck!
Lastly, when I think about all these engineering stuff.. they’re not that different compared to art. In fact, engineering is art.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Scenic Sunday: Home
Some shots of my home and the neighborhood on Sunday morning. The weather was great, definitely a great time to have a walk outside. And After having a morning walk, there is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
Check out for other Scenic Sunday Here
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Village Frontier
Village Frontier is one of my works done in 2007. I’ve never done a painting outside of my room. This is once again what I had in my mind. For me, this painting resembles a village somewhere in Europe. Probably France or Italy (Maybe…). I decided to call this one, Village Frontier, because it’s obviously showing the edge of the village. Unfortunately, there is something missing in this work. I forgot to draw a man walking on the street.. which I thought would be a great idea to make him as the center of attention.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Afternoon Pastime
A beautiful day captured by my camera. This picture was taken in 2007 and nothing was really special that day, I was just having a walk around the neighborhood only to have a relaxing time with the greenery.
For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. ~Martin Luther
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~Minnie Aumonier
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Walking in the sunset
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Backyard blogging
Saturday, January 3, 2009
DeviantART artists' support for Gaza