
Monday, August 3, 2009

End of July

Last day of July, Friday the 31st that is. I participated in Minima urban artworks 2.0 which took place in Balikpapan Trade Center. I only knew about the exhibition 3 days before the actual event. So I quickly made this drawing and submitted to the committee. Besides this one, there’s another artwork that I submitted, an old drawing and was already shown in a previous post.

Journey into my mind, the further I have pursued my voyage the more distant they have become. In my mind, I travel toward the unknown.. don’t know where I will be heading. The imagination, I think I need to paint it out. – 08/03/09 

for bpp grp art exhibition1


Unseen India Tours said...

Nice painting !! When a men doesn't knows his direction this is the time he is about to be on right path..Unseen Rajasthan

echa said...

Halo Fadil, kunjungan balik...
Nice work you have :D
Gbr tangan yg kmudian dwarnain diPhotoshop bkn? suka oil painting jg?
Btw aku dulu pernah diKalTim 1,5 thun, sering keBalikpapan jg...heheh jd pgn ksana lg.